Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Here I am, in Barcelona!

I live in a smallish apartment in El Raval, Barcelona, Spain. It's smack in the middle of all the action, second floor balcony perfect for people-spotting. I was invited by my cousin-in-lwaw, Linus, to stay with him and a couple, Maria and Christoffer. In the mornings (in Spain, morning occurs at 10 a.m.) Linus and Christoffer go to work at a web bureau downtown, and sometimes i get there later in the day to scan pictures, and surf the web. Otherwise I'm mostly hanging out at the MACBA square, around the corner from our building, where a huge amount of skaters hang out on a daily basis, always ushered back from the museum entrance by the security guards.

Barcelona is Big Brother. Everyone seems to be suspicious. Every store larger than your local butcher has its' own rental cop, and there's cameras Everywhere. It's a place heavily infested with paranoia, and going out in Barcelona wasn't at all the "once-in-a-lifetime" experience I thought it would be. It was merely like going out anywhere, the drinks were as pricey as in Sweden, and the people were acting very uptight. I don't know, maybe I hit the wrong places, but I prefer the beach where all the Irish, French, Belgian, Canadian and open-minded Spanish people are at night.

If you want to ses pictures from my trip here from Amsterdam, go check out my photoset at flickr!

From here, I'm headed north-east towards Poland and Finland, see you there!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bortskämda ungjävel! ;)

12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Per, du ska vara här!

12:47 AM  

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