Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Traveling Thru Space and Time Simlutaneously


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Per!
Remember what happened when Ren and Stimpy pushed “The History Eraser Button?”
What happens if the two people meet each other? Do they experience amnesia and deja vu at the same time?

7:12 PM  
Blogger Per said...

Hi Brian, and thanks for the first comment ever to appear on endless tea party

I do not recall that episode of Ren and Stimpy, but I won't go into detailed analysis as to the reasons why. Maybe it turns out it has something to do with the pressing of "The History Eraser Button"...

If points A and B were to be close together, the persons could in theory observe each other, but since time has stopped, not react to the presence of the other.

Amnesia and déja vù at the same time; isn't that just what constitutes déja vù? It's having the feeling of remembering something, but not quite remembering what, or why...

Random ramblings... By the way, it was while listening to "Galloping Horses", that I got the urge to draw that sketch. Must've been something you said.. ,)

8:22 PM  

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