I work at a dollar store in Lund, that keeps eight ten-gallon fish tanks for decoration. I've been hired as the tank guy for two years, it was a job for extra money that I got right after I started studying at the university there. It's interesting to spend four hours with fish, changing their water, trading them around the tanks (occasionally), and, as happened today, in the process dropping them on the floor (oops).
I guess you can get emotionally attached to fish in some way. I do feel sorry for their tiny lives inside their glass cages. I know from the fish tank 101 webpages I read after getting the job, that they do like to hang around their own kind. Certain fish dies if left alone. Yet they don't seem to take very big interest in each other, even if those two suckfish guys that eat algae always swim together.
Today I set loose ten
Hemigrammus erythrozonus in the tank with the most shrubby undergrowth. I think that a couple of them are [insert aquarist term for
pregnant], so I felt that they should have some shelter should they actually survive to lay their eggs. We'll see about that.